Compensation & Benefits

More than a paycheck, compensation in today's
workplace can give employers a competitive advantage.

Go above and beyond a living wage

Compensation goes far beyond the number on an employee's paycheck. Our advisors can help organizations evaluate internal/external equity and labor market conditions, develop appropriate compensation structures, design deferred compensation and incentive plans that more effectively link performance and pay, and provide benefits that go above and beyond the competition.

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Our process & people

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A tailored process for you

Whether it's ensuring your wages are competitive, creating a compensation plan to give your organization a compeititve advantage, or reviewing current compensation structures to ensure fairness, AGH can tailor its compensation services to best suit your needs.

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Broad range of experience

AGH's compensation advisors work with a wide range of clients in various industries. This allows us to better understand your unique situation, and ways your compensation plan can help stand out in the marketplace or put you on level ground with your competitors.

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Specialized expertise

Our advisors have access to a wide range of resources to ensure your compensation plans are staying current with emerging trends. These resources, coupled with our staff dedicated to compensation matters, allows your organization to be better prepared for changes in the labor market and compensation demands.

Services overview

Learn more about our compensation services below:

As the labor market, employee expectations, your business model, and numerous other factors change over time, your organization's compensation structure should reflect those changes. Employees pay attention to the behaviors and outcomes for which they are rewarded – so if your compensation structure isn't appropriate, your employees' behaviors may not be focused in the right direction. Learn more about our compensation structure review & development service.
Our advisors can help you develop and implement a deferred compensation plan that complies with ERISA, DOL and IRS regulatory requirements as well as recognize the limitations and qualifications such plans may have. See how our deferred compensation plan service can help recruit and retain talented employees with tax-beneficial compensation.
Incentive plans, like deferred compensation, must be designed to align with the organization's goals and to create the desired employee behavior that will contribute to reaching those goals. We can work with you to avoid common errors while designing, implementing and communicating incentive plans based on the desired short-term or long-term outcomes. Learn more about our incentive plans service.
AGH has developed a hands-on, face-to-face approach to voluntary benefits services. Our independent status allow us to provide a mix of the best benefits across multiple insurers or providers. We conduct benefit comparisons among different carriers to determine the best payout, negotiate rates, evaluate cost versus benefit and assemble a full benefits package unique to your organization’s needs. Learn more about our voluntary benefits service.
As organizations evolve and grow over time, sometimes the wage and benefits don't evolve and grow as well – which can result in compensation that's out of alignment. A wage and salary survey is a comprehensive examination in which our advisor reviews a detailed profile of each position and makes a comparison to similar positions locally, nationally and within industry sectors. See how our wage and benefit analysis service can help your organization.

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Meet the team

Hover / tap on an image to learn more
Brad Bechtel retirement plan services

Brad Bechtel

Senior Vice President
Employee Benefit Services

Marjorie Engle family business services

Marjorie Engle

Senior Vice President
Org. Development & Family Business Services

Carrie Cox HR services

Carrie Cox

Vice President
HR & Org. Development Services